Thursday, 6 May 2010


  1. We opened the film with this still image aiming to create a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety by the audience, being unclear what the image relates to or is about and how it links to the story - later revealing that this is where the killing takes place.
  2. The second two clips are showing the main character with the guys she has murdered, appearing to be happy and smiling. Allowing the audience to connect with the two relationships slightly and realising that the killings are not through revenge or hatred, proving that the main character is slightly delusional and psychopathic. We thought about the mise en scene of these two clips, aiming for them to be doing something typical of a teenage couple, relating them to stereotypes. The text was included later on to ensure the audience understood the real gist of the story. It was done in a way in which the words are revealed step by step aiming to create a report like structure and to show that this information is important.
  3. The non-diagetic music is then made to kick in here, showing that something dramatic is going to happen and that the story is now beginning.
  4. The main character is shown getting out of bed before moving the camera to show she is leaving the room - the position of the camera was placed in a way to ensure that the audience could see John still asleep in the bed, being unaware that she has gone.
  5. a close up of the door handle is done, ensuring the audience are fully aware that Del has left the room and exaggerating this, showing its importance. Diagetic sound has been included here as we hear the door squeak, a typical element to include in a thriller. This could also cause the audience to question whether John has woken up due to this noise or not, keeping some information hidden from them.
  6. A medium- close up is done of the stairs, showing my legs as i walk town them. Looking through the banister here we hoped may cause the audience to feel as though they were there witnessing the event and also that they may see this to be stereotypical, as the actions the character is about to perform means she should rightfully be behind bars much like this shot shows us. We typically have shown my hand dragging down the banister, showing that i am in fact free and able to do whatever i wish. Showing my hand may also effect the audience, showing that i am perhaps going to make use of this party part in a disagreeable manor.
  7. The main character is shown walking out of the front door in. We show the door from the outside before we see me walking out, a reverse shot from the one you witnessed upstairs when leaving the bedroom. We did this to show the audience the condition of the door, looking as though it is old and warn out and that the house may in fact be not that well looked after due to family problems, causing the girl to act the way she does. This camera angle also allowed us to show me approaching the door through the window, showing a shadow appear as i come closer to it - again, a typical element to use when aiming to thrill the audience.
  8. As she walks out the door, her movements are important here. We wanted her to look calm but that she is also on a mission somehow, we did this by showing her move quickly but still carefully shutting the door. For a split second we have the actor look at the camera. This proved to be very effective and a number of people picked up on this. Having the character look at the audience draws them in making them feel involved within the story however this must be carefully done as you still want the audience to feel as though 'they are characters not actors' and believe the story. If the character looks at the camera for to long it can sometimes be made evident that they are being filmed and be ineffective.
  9. The character is made to walk into the shot here as we do a panning shot and move the camera slightly to make it look as if this is being done through the audiences eyes as they watch, again bringing them in to the story. A medium shot is done of her on the phone before quickly cutting to John using the same shot length to relate the two, who is still asleep.
  10. The non-diagetic music dims as we hear John's phone ring, a typical ring tone of a boy his age. He picks up the phone and looks confused. We thought it would be best for him to cut the phone call off rather than answering it as he would be puzzled and also believe that Del was still lying next to him in bed - it is made clear in this way that it is Del ringing him.
  11. He then turns as the camera rises, slightly looking down on him disorientating the people watching a little. Narrative is used as he speaks the word 'del?' in confusion, helping to convey to the audience that she does not usually get up in the night giving them an idea by now that this is an unusual for her to do and that something is going on - they are typically not given any clues as to where she is going yet ensuring they still have unanswered questions. A close up of the phone is done as a cut away, placing the remote to the TV next to it here as this is a realistic thing people would usually do.
  12. Again another close up is used - in not giving the audience the whole picture a lot of the time, we thought this would cause them to focus and want to know exactly what is going on. This is a shot of Del's legs as she is walking down a muddy lane. We used this clip to show that she has no shoes on even though she is walking along mud and stones - this violates what is classed as normal, showing the audience that she is in fact not with it at this moment in time. Wearing a short t-shirt also helps show this.
  13. John is then seen searching the house searching for Del. We kept cutting between the both to give a sense of action and ensure the audience can see the actions of both characters, realising that something is going to happen between the two.
  14. Some more non-diagetic music is included after this shot, used to build up tension. This new music and the use of slow motion and change in lighting are all used here to give a clue that this is a different part of the story, slightly separating the two as we show the flash backs. We show this event bit by bit, cutting backwards and forwards between the main character walk down the lane and what she did in the past showed her gradually making her way closer to the camera/audience as they begin to realise what she is capable of, causing the audience watching to become afraid. Again, we used a lot of close ups of the flashbacks here, used due to the reason mentioned above and also ensuring they see the important details and not miss them out. Diagetic sound is kept in here for a purpose - making it feel even more real to the audience.
  15. The lighting changes as she reaches the camera, adding a slightly red tint in which relates to death and blood. Flashes are then used as we cut in to her body before loosing sight of her and cutting to another shot creating a sense of chaos here.
  16. Del and John finally meet and we have Del approach him slightly before walking away, making the audience aware that she wants him to follow. We decided to use a long shot here, finally giving the audience the whole picture as the main event in the opening starts to take place. We also wanted to make sure the location was visible here, believing it added effect to the scene and related well.
  17. Again, Del looks and John here but yet doesn't respond. We decided to keep the dogs seen at the right hand side of the frame visible as this makes the story line more realistic showing that the people living here own pets, just like the majority of people, relating to normality and using binary oppositions in showing what is normal and what is not.
  18. John repeatedly shouts 'del' proving that she is not responding and perhaps in a world of her own. She looks at him again, convincing the audience that she wants to be following and giving the impression that something is going to happen.
  19. We have a pause as she lifts the bat and the sound is prevented as this happens, adding tension and causing the audience to become nervous. A shot is then shown her looking down at John who is lying on the floor at this point, in doing this we aim to show that she is the domineering one, overpowering John on the floor.
  20. A shot is done showing John completely here in which blood is visible, we also show Del walking away now, using diagetic sound effectively as the bat is dragged along the floor bringing attention to this.
  21. We decided to include the scene of the main character waking up in the morning to prove to the audience that she is unaware of what she has done and showing that because of this she is quite capable of doing it again, feeling no remorse. Finishing here also leaves the audience with many unanswered questions in which come we began certain of when gaining our feedback.

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